Boxville Cemetery

There was only one marker left at this old african-american cemetery from the information that Sammy Tise was given. The information on that grave and the others listed in his book Lavaca County Cemeteries Volume VI was compiled by Mrs. Alice Tones, Mrs. Lexie Barnes and Mrs. Bob Crick. The sole remaining marker belongs to Marian Johnson, a child of Houston of Johnson. To visit the cemeterydrive south on FM 530 from Hallettsville to FM 2437. Turn left toward Sheridan. The cemetery is on the right about 25 yards down the road. The cemetery is located where the roads formerly intersected, just east of the present intersection. It is sometimes called Blackland Cemetery



Haynes, Mariah Tise Mother of Lexie Barnes maiden name Tennon
Haynes, Dewey  June 1898 January 8, 1937 Tise, TXDR Died of TB, son of Mariah and Jim Haynes; wife Bertha Mae
Haynes, Isaic  December 10, 1910 April 14, 1935 Tise , TXDR Killed in El Campo, Son of Mariah and Jim Haynes; Jim Haynes gave info on Death Certificate.  Buried at Speaks; Death Certificate says drowned in Navidad River.
Haynes, Gertrude supposedly born ca 1910; info on Findagrave Tise  Daughter of Mariah and Jim Haynes
Haynes, Millie  June 24, 1937 Tise, TXDR Daughter of Mariah and Jim Haynes; Death Cer Information given by father ; age 16; DC says buried at Boxville
Haynes, Viola Tise  Died as a small child.  Daughter of Mariah and Jim Haynes
Haynes, Otilia  1902 1909 Tise; FaG  Died as a small child.  Daughter of Mariah and Jim Haynes
Tennon, William Jr.  1915 December 8, 1930 Tise, TXDR Died of TB, son of William Tennon and Minnie Robinson; death certificate signed by Albert Williby; buried in Blackland Cemetery
Tennon, Curtis  Tise
Tennon, Buddy Tise
Caesar, Ben  July 24, 1931 Tise, TXDR Son of Jack Caesar, age 78 death Certificate signed by Jack Caesar, buried in Spicksville Cemetery.
Caesar, Hattie June 7, 1878 February 24, 1928 Tise, TXDR daughter of Nelsr Dawson and Louise.  Buried in Blackland Cemetery
Caesar, Bob  Tise wife Jane, parents of Rev. Jack Caesar.
Caesar, Jane October 19, 1928 Tise, TXDR nee Tennon; age 77, Buried at Blackland Cemetery, DC signed by Jack Caesar
Thrift, Elias  February 3, 1879 April 19, 1951 Tise, TXDR Died in Houston, Harris County, Texas.  Parents Marshall Thrift and Rosa Edwards: daughter, Cherry signed the death certificate.  It says buried in Hallettsville. 
Thrift, Lydia Caesar  November 16, 1897 December 25, 1940 Tise, TXDR Parents Jerry Ceaser and Caroline Morgan.  Information given by Cherry Lee Grant, daughter.   Died in Cordele, Jackson County, Texas.  Buried at Speaks.
Dawson, Henry  September 28, 1943 Tise, TXDR son of Nelse Dawson, buried at Cordele
Dawson, Willie D.  February 2, 1921 June 19, 1948 Tise, TXDR Died in Houston, Harris County, Texas from a gunshot wound to the head.  Parents were Henry Dawson and Letha Ceaser grandparents were Jerry Ceaser and Caroline Morgan
Dawson, Sambo
Williby, Albert  1899 July 21, 1934 Tise, TXDR son of Eugene Williby and Ella Robinson; buried at Vienna; Killed in a shooting
Williby, Novella August 12, 1899 February 22, 1936 Tise, TXDR daughter of Robert Lawson and Emma Tinnon; Jack Caesar signed the death certificate, buried at Boxville.
Tones, Clyde October 5, 1904 September 30, 1938 Tise, TXDR Broke neck at Rodeo, parents James Tones and Bicy Caecer
Tones, Alvo 
Tones, James (Gene) July 15, 1887 May 9, 1936 Tise, TXDR son of Frank Tones and Kittie Williams, Edna Tennon informant.  Buried in Blackland Cemetery.  Wife Bicy Caesar, children Clyde, A.J., Willie, George, Alvo, Louis.
Tomes, Bicy Caesar  September 27, 1884 June 29, 1935 Tise, TXDR daughter of Jerry Caesar and Alice Watson; buried in Speaks Cemetery
Johnson, Houston May 31, 1928 Tise, TXDR son of Sam Johnson, 83 years old.  Buried at Seclusion, Texas
Johnson, Caroline Tise nee Morgan
Byrnes, Nancy Tise  nee Caesar 
Tones, Walter Dell  July 26, 1934 December 28, 1952 Tise, TXDR daughter of Willie George Tones and Alice Simms; buried in Speaks Cemetery.
Tones, Jessie Lee November 30, 1940 December 1, 1940 Tise, TXDR Son of Louis Tones and Velma McAfee, premature 
Tones, Mary Tise 
Caesar, Lizzie April 4, 1906 June 27, 1938 Tise, TXDR daughter of Ben Caesar and Hattie Dawson, buried in Blackland Cemetery.
Caesar, Hattie  January 29, 1932 May 24, 1936 Tise, TXDR 3 year old Duaghter of Dee and Jane Tennon; She drowned in the 1936 Navidad River Flood.
Caesar, Clearence  Tise Infant son of Dee and Jane Caesar.
Tones, Tom  Tise 
Watson, Sy  February 13, 1890 October 2, 1949 Tise, TXDR son of Edmond Watson and Lizzie Tones.  Death Certificate says buried at Poor Farm Cemetery
Johnson, Marian Tise
Jackson, Mose  Tise
Caesar, Jerry  Tise
Caesar, Alice Tise
Caesar, Easl  Tise
Tennon, Mimmie Tise
Tennon, William   Tise
Tennon, Frank  Tise
Tennon, Silvie Tise
Holmes, Jim  Tise
Holmes, Dollie May 31, 1909 Tise, TXDR daughter of Frank Tennon and Sylvia Robinson.   About 40 years old.  Died at Seclusion
Tennon, Sennid  Tise
Douglas, Henry  December 17, 1907 Tise, TXDR Age 33 years lived near Seclusion
Douglas, Will  May 12, 1909 Tise Son of Carter Douglas and Lou Thomas.  About 35 years old.  He died at Blackland.  He died of T.B. 
Tennon, Custer  3748 March 31, 1922 TXDR Son of Wiliam Tennon and Minnie Robinson.  Death Certificate signed by Emma Douglas (Aunt)  Buried at Boxville
Barnes, Charlie February 20, 1904 March 9, 1942 TXDR Son of George Barnes and Leatha Caesar.  Death Certificate signed by Annie Harper.  Buried at Speaks
Barnes, Unknown Infant July 4, 1929 July 8, 1929 TXDR Son of Randle Barnes and Emma Ceasar; Boxville Cemetery
Miller, Estella  1869 September 8, 1934 TXDR Daughter of Nath Miller and Callie Ceasar; buried at Boxville.  Newton Miller signed the death certificate.  
Torres, Alvo March 6, 1911 February 6, 1938 TXDR Son of James Torres and Vigy Ceasarl buried at Boxville.
Williby, Unknown Female December 25, 1928 January 1, 1929 TXDR daughter of A.W. Williby and Ella Lawson; buried at Boxville



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