Andrews Chapel Baptist Church
The Andrews Chapel Baptist Church was located next to the Andrews Chapel Cemetery north of Hackberry.
Sunday School attendance records for the church were recorded in 1877 by Mansel Coffee in his day book. Coffee was Lavaca Co Tax Assessor and Collector 1870-1876, County Commissioner of Precinct #2, 1876-77, and County Tax Assessor 1878-1882. A transcript follows, but you can also see the scanned pages at Kathy Coffee Simmons' Coffee family web site. She also provided the photograph of Mansel Coffee.
May 20th, 1877
- May 20th, 1977 Sunday School met with the following schollars preset to wit
- Walter Childress
- W. K. Morrow
- Marria Morrow
- Lizzie Fowlkes
- Mack Wilson
- Lena Morrow
- Cleave Coffee
May 27th, 1877
Sunday School met with the following Schollars present (to wit)
- Walter Childers
- W. K. Mrrow
- Marria Morrow
- Lizzie Folkes
- Mack Wilson
- Lena Morrow
- Cleave Coffee
- Woodson Coffee
- Henry Coffee
- James Williams
- George Williams
- John Riley
- Ed. Riley
- L. E. McKinnon
- Robert Foulkes
- John Hughes
- Eddie Dismuke
- James Smith
- Mary Childers
Sunday School met at 2 o'clock went thru with lesson with the following schollars[sic.] present (to wit)
- Belle Morrow
- Mary Childress
- Fannie coffee
- Walter Childress
- W. H. Morrow
- Belle McKinnon
- Mack Wilson
- Lena MorrOw
- Cleave Coffee
- Henry Coffee
- Logan Coffee
- Woodson Coffee
- John Riley
- Ed Riley
- L. E. McKinnon
- Eddie Dismuke
- James Smith
- Bell Willeford
- John Hughes
- Jane Henderson
- This June 3rd 1877
- M. Coffee
- Sutrg [?]
Sunday School met this morning the following schollars present (To wit)
- Fannie Coffee
- Belle Morrow
- Woodson Coffee
- Logan Coffee
- Cleave Coffee
- James Williams
- George Williams
- John Riley
- Ed. Riley
- Ed Dismukes
- James Smith
- L. E. McKennon
- Mac Wilson
- Walter Childress
- Lizzie Fowlkes
- Robert Fowlkes
Sunday June 17th No School on account of Rain
Sunday June 24
- Present this day
- George Williams
- Mac Wilson
- Kyle Morrow
- Logan Coffee
- Woodson Coffee
- Cleave Coffee
- Aleck Dismukes
- Lena E. Morrow
- Belle Morrow
- Fannie Coffee
- Laughlin McKennon
- Ben Milam
- John Mounch
- Milam Nillis[?]
- Sara Morrow
- Lizzie Fowkes
Sunday Jul 1st
- School met at 2 o'clock P.M.
- Present W. K. Morrow
- Pet Morrow
- Mack Wilson
- Ben Milam
- Miss Mollie Milam
- Lena E. Morrow
- George Williams
- Belle Morrow
- Miss Fannie Coffee
- Logan Coffee
- Cleave Coffee
- E. Dismukes
- John Hughes
- Jamess Henderson
- Woodson Coffee
Sunday July 8th, 1877
- met @ 9 o'clock
- Present
- A. Dismukes
- Laughlin McKennon
- Mack Willson
- Pet. Morrow
- Lena Morrow
- W. Kyle Morrow
- Belle Morrow
- Lizzie Fowlkes
- John Hughes
- Fannie coffee
- Julia Munch
- Austina Munch
- Logan Coffee
Sunday July 14, 1877
- School met @ 9 o'clock
- Present this day
- Mack Wilson
- Alec Dismukes
- Woodson Coffee
- Lena E. Morrow
- Miss Fannie Coffee
- Logan Coffee
- Laughlin E. McKennon
- Miss Julia Munch
- " Austina Munch
- Victor Neuhaus
- Ben Milam
- Miss Mollie Milam
- Lizzie Fowlkes
Sunday July 22nd, 1877
- No One present But Mac Willson and Cobb Wilson
- No School This day for want of a sufficient number of scholars in attendance
Sunday July 29th/77
- Present
- Alec Dismukes
- Mge Wilson
- Lena E. Morrow
- Kyle Morrow
- Pet Morrow
Sunday, Augt. 4th, 1877
- Present
- Miss Fannie Coffee
- Alex Dismukes
- Mae Wilson
- Logan Coffee
- Lina E. Morrow
- Pet. Morrow
- Hattie Dismukes
- Lana Morrow
Sunday, Augt. 11th, 1877
- Present today
- Miss Fannie Coffee
- Woodson Coffee
- Ben Milam
- Logan Coffee
- Cleave Coffee
- George Williams
- Henry Coffee
- Ben Riley
- Mae Wilson
- Lena E. Morrow
- Billey Crowe
- J. W. Harrison
Sunday, Augt. 11 formed the following classes
1st class
- Miss Fanniee Coffee
- Mr. Mat Morrows (Teacher)
- Scholars Lena E. Morrow
- Pet. Morrow
- Lana Morrow
- Henry Coffee
- Lizzie Fowlkes
- John Fowlkes
- Hattie Dismukes
- Tom Dismukes
2 Class
- Ben Milam
- J. D. Morrow
- W. H. Morrow
- Mansel Coffee
- H. W. Harrison
- Woodson Coffee
- John Riley
- Logan Coffee
- Cleave Coffee
- George Williams
- Mae Wilson
- Alec Dismukes
- W. Childress
- B. A. Riley
- S. McKennon
- K. H. Morrow
Col. Harrisson Supt.
- Lela Muench
- Fannie Coffee
- Lena Morrow
- Hettie Dismuke
- John Riley
- Kyle Morrow
- Cleave Coffee
- Henry Coffee
- Mack Wilson
- Elizh. Dismuke
- Co. Harrison Supt.
- Miss ?? Wisiters[?]
- Fannie Coffee
- Soodson Coffee
- Cleave Coffee
- Henry Coffee
- Ed. Dismuke
- John Riley
- Ed. Riley
- Mack Wilson
- Lena Morrow
- Lana Morrow
Sunday Sept 16th
- Present this day Mac Wilson
- W. K. Morrow
- Lena E. Morrow
- No school to day
Sunday Sept 23rd
- Present
- Chas. Harrison
- W. H. Morrow
- Mac Wilson
- W. K. Morrow
- Lena Morrow
- No School
Sunday School met today the 22nd of Sept. present as follows (to wit)
Ella Meeking
Anna Prestage
T. W. Jeggett
Mr. Crowell
Ben Riley
W. Coffee
Ed Morris
Ars. Morris
G. Williams
F. Williams
T. Eielson
Ab. Morris
J. Ward
Related Links
Andrew's Chapel Cemetery
Hackberry, Texas