Around 1858 Gottfried Pagel and most of his family moved from Willow Springs in Fayette County to a farm six miles southeast of Hallettsville. The area became known as Pagel Settlement.
On December 31, 1875, Ernst Pagel, Adolph Timm, and William Kirchner deeded a total of nine acres to the Lutheran church to be used for a church, parsonage, school and grave yard. A schoolhouse was erected, but to the best of our knowledge the church and parsonage were never built. Today all that is left of the community is the Pagel Settlement Cemetery.
To visit the cemetery, take FM 530 south from Hallettsville. Turn left on County Road 134 which runs through the cemetery. While the markers west of the road were mostly accessible, the markers to the east of it couldn't be seen through the brush before a November 2007 clean-up. Numerous small enclosures, chain-link, iron, and wooden, surround most of the graves. Several of the fenced areas do not contain markers.
With only fifty-one known burials, the Pagel Settlement Cemetery is the final resting place for at least twenty-one immigrants from Germany and Austria. The oldest marker is for Wilhelm K. Gautel who died June 9, 1858. Gottfried Pagel (1800-1873) and his granddaughter, Caroline Fischer Gautel Wiechring, are the only members of the Pagel family buried here. The cemetery holds numerous members of the Bonorden and Meyer families, which may be why some county maps show it as two separate cemeteries, the Meyer and Bonorden Cemeteries, separated by the county road. Previous written references to the cemetery refer to it as the Pagel Settlement or, sometimes, simply the Pagel Cemetery.
The cemetery has been inventoried several times. E. F. Smith of Gonzales County inventoried the cemetery some time between 1948 and 1967. (Phoebe Miller's 1967 death date was not included in his list.) Sammy Tise's inventory referred to the two parts of the cemetery as the Meyer and Bonorden Cemeteries in Lavaca County, Texas Cemeteries, which he published in 1983. He inventoried the cemetery in 1980 and the road between the two cemeteries was still gravel at that time. At some point between Smith's and Tise's inventories, two of the Bonordens were exhumed and reinterred at the Hallettsville City Cemetery. Six other Bonorden markers were also removed and taken to the City Cemetery, though the actual graves remain inside a chain link fence east of the road. The Beyer marker was also moved at that time and the location of that grave is unknown, though it may have been inside the same enclosure.
Please contact Rox Ann Johnson if you are descended from any of the following or can provide additional information.
Known Burials
Name Birth Death Side Notes Baker, Infant Daughter 5 Feb 1933 East No marker; listed in Smith and Tise inventories; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BakerByer, K. 10 Nov 1832 4 Aug 1914 UnknownKatherine Beyer; marker moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery adjacent to Bonorden markers; listed in Smith inventory and Malec newspaper article Bonorden, Agnes 4 Jun 1870 11 Aug 1904 East Listed as Miss Agnes; marker moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery [1]; listed in Smith inventory Bonorden, Albert 16 Jan 1859 8 Sep 1940 East Shared marker with Martha Bonorden; exhumed and moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery; listed in Smith inventory Bonorden, Bernhard M. 4 Nov 1832 13 Dec 1883 East 51 yrs. 1 mo. 9 days; listed in Smith inventory; marker moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery Bonorden, Carl 28 Jun 1903 20 Dec 1903 East Marker moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery; listed in Smith inventory Bonorden, Ernst Robert 1 Sep 1912 10 Jun 1915 East Bonorden, Karl 27 Jan 1877 10 Nov 1880 East Marker moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery; listed in Smith inventory Bonorden, Martha 4 Sep 1864 15 Aug 1948 East Nee Miller, shared marker with husband, Albert Bonorden, Sr.; exhumed and moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery; listed in Smith inventory Bonorden, Mary 22 Aug 1838 1 Oct 1908 East Marker moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery; listed in Smith inventory Bonorden, Otto C. 27 Jan 1875 28 Jan 1891 East Marker moved to Hallettsville City Cemetery; listed in Smith inventory Bonorden, R. E. 18 Oct 1889 18 Feb 1918 EastBrooks, Emma Einkauf 24 Mar 1877 12 Feb 1916Unknown No marker [2] Brown, Charles T. 15 Aug 1862 30 Dec 1929 West Shares a marker with his wife, Mary Brown; in fenced area with Einkauf graves Brown, Mary E. 8 Sep 1868 23 Jul 1937 West Daughter of J. & M. Einkauf Einkauf, Julius 1 Jun 1842 18 Aug 1925 West Shares a marker with Mary Einkauf Einkauf, Mary 8 Nov 1842 12 Feb 1933 WestGautel, Carl 15 Jul 1854 9 Dec 1905 EastShares a marker with Kirchners and Carl Neumann; in fenced area with other Gautel, Kirchner, and Carl Neumann graves. Gautel, Caroline 5 Sep 1858 23 Mar 1933 East Granddaughter of Gottfried Pagel; daughter of Friedrich and Wilhelmine Pagel Fischer; married first Carl Gautel; after his death, she married Henry Wiechring; funeral home marker lists her as Caroline Wiechring; stone lists her as Caroline Gautel Gautel, Wilh. K. 7 Sep 1826 9 Jun 1858 East Kirchner, Christine 9 Dec 1821 18 Feb 1908 East Shares marker with Friedrich Kirchner, son Carl Gautel, and Carl Neumann Kirchner, Friedrich W. 1 Jan 1830 8 Nov 1900 East Shares marker with wife Christine Kirchner, Carl Gautel, and Carl Neumann Meyer, Barbara 24 Sep 1867 West 54 yr, 5 mo; shares a central marker with Barbara, Frank, Joseph, Helene, Pauline, and Vencent Meyer; small individual stones with two initials mark Meyer graves within a fenced area Meyer, Frank 9 Oct 1867 West 17 yr, 20 da Meyer, Helene 31 Jul 1876 West 31 yrs. 11 mo.; wife of J. Meyer Meyer, Joseph 8 Aug 1842 13 Dec 1929 West Meyer, Paulina 11 Feb 1881 West 21 yrs. 4 mo.; wife of J. Meyer Meyer, Vencent 18 Aug 1818 22 Apr 1903 WestMiller, James Malcolm 9 Apr 1922 16 Apr 1922 EastUnmarked inside Einkauf/Brown fence; infant of John and Phoebe Einkauf Miller Miller, Jno. W. 1882 1937 West Shares a marker with Phoebe Miller Miller, Phoebe O. 1883 1967 West Daughter of J. & M. Einkauf Moser, Caroline 7 Jun 1853 22 Oct 1880 East Listed in Sublime Lutheran death records and Tise inventory Neumann, Carl 7 Aug 1823 21 Feb 1894 East Shares a marker with Kirchners and Carl Gautel Neumann, Fritz 13 Jan 1827 21 May 1901 East Marker broken by 1980; in fenced area with other Neumann gravesNeumann, Henry ca 1865 22 Jun 1922 UnknownUnmarked; surname at birth may have been Bright Neumann, Josyphine 1 Dec 1844 17 Jul 1890 East Neumann, Maria 17 Aug 1877 5 Oct 1880 East Wooden marker Pagel, Gottfried 1 Jan 1800 8 Aug 1873 West Enclosed in wire fence; first married Friedrike Dickow; immigrated in 1850; second married Johanna Zorn Fritsche who is buried in Fayette County Raaz, Anna 3 Nov 1876 22 May 1881 WestRickaway, Christian 21 Nov 1893 UnknownUnmarked Rhode, John C. "Jack" 9 Mar 1839 7 Dec 1919 UnknownUnmarked Rother, Alvina 7 Sep 1875 26 Feb 1879 East Daughter of F. & C. RotherRother, Johanna Reihel ca 1826 EastUnmarked grave next to Alvina Rother [3] Schott, Alma 17 May 1905 2 Aug 1905 East Schott, Ivy Lee 3 Dec 1938 8 Dec 1938 East Funeral home marker onlySpieckermann, Fritz UnknownUnmarked Spieckermann, Wilhelmine 28 May 1893 UnknownUnmarked Timm, Adolph A. 10 Nov 1874 17 Mar 1893 West Ullrich, Edward 1852 1927 East Shares a marker with Theresia Ullrich; in fenced area with Wildner grave Ullrich, Theresia 1847 1899 East Wildner, Marian East No dates
Gottfried Pagel grave enclosed in fencing
1. Tom Bonorden provided information regarding the Bonorden markers that were removed to Hallettsville. If you have a photograph of the markers while still at Pagel Settlement, please contact him.
2. Information on Brooks and Miller infant graves from Ruby McConnell
3. Information on Johanna Reihel grave from Weldon Rother.
Notations about the Pagel family were made by Rox Ann Johnson, historian for the Pagel Family Reunion.
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